Saturday, March 31, 2012


                                     11"x14"  Oil on linen
                                        Gift to friend

This was painted many years ago in California, When I was just starting.   A friend and I were trying to paint like the impressionists.  This was my effort.   Looking at it today, my first thought was that I produced a painting that could only have been done by an impressionist who had had a little too much wine before starting.  I, on the other hand, had only coffee that day.   Doesn't figure!    My friend scraped his off later.   I should have, but kept mine, thinking I might work on it a little later.  The Mother of one my best friends saw it, liked it, and offered to adopt it, so I gave it to her. Today, the barn is gone, but the old house has been refurbished and looks better than ever.   Maybe I should get refurbished!                      Mike

1 comment:

  1. What a great gift for your friend's mother. This is lovely!
